Get Money Now, Pay Later, in Southern California

Get Money Now, Pay Later, in Southern CaliforniaJust about everyone has been in a situation where something comes up that they need to pay for, but they just don’t have the cash on hand. They can’t just ignore it or delay paying for it without major repercussions – it needs to be taken care of right away.

If that happens to you, here are your options for you to get the money you need now and pay later in Southern California:

  • Ask your parents or grandparents for a loan… ugh! This one is such a drag. They’ll hassle you about it all the time until you pay them back, or just silently resent you for needing their help even though you’ve moved away from home. Their generation would have rarely asked for financial help from their parents… but hello! You can’t compare the generations. Our generations has it much tougher because of the recession, a high unemployment rate in many areas, stagnant salaries, and expensive food and other living costs. This option is just awful because it inevitably leads to conflict.
  • Ask your local bank for a personal loan. This option stinks too. There’s so much criteria at the bank—you have to have a certain credit score, salary, and so many other minute factors that have to be shared with your bank… and then they decline your request for a loan. What a waste of time and energy!
  • Max out your credit cards. Whoooo… this is a risky one, especially if you have a high interest rate. You may dig yourself far too into debt to be able to get out of it, constantly depending on your credit cards while becoming a slave to them. As you use your credit card more and more, the minimum payment goes up and up, the interest you’re charged increases every day, and it can be pretty much impossible to get out of the vicious cycle. Not a good option, though it can be tempting when you’re in trouble!
  • Come to Gems & Jewelry Inc.. As soon as you walk in the door, you’ll be treated with kindness, respect, and honesty. Bring in a big ticket valuable item such as a car, motorcycle, or piece of jewelry. You don’t have to give it up! All you do it trade in the item (called “collateral”), agree to the pawn loan terms (which includes some interest), and walk out with the funds you need to make ends meet today. Then all you have to do is pay off the loan in the agreed upon amount of time and your item will be returned to you in mint condition. It really is that easy, painless, and risk-free. The wonderful thing about GNJ Pawn Big is that we don’t conduct any background checks, we don’t have any income requirements, or any other kinds of mumbo-jumbo. If you do happen to default on your loan, it isn’t a huge deal—your credit history won’t be touched or impacted at all and you can keep going with your life as if nothing had changed.

Get the money you need now, pay later in Southern California

Come discover the peace of mind that comes when you use GNJ Pawn Big anytime you’re in a financial bind. You can get the money you need within minutes with no hassle, no questions asked, no nonsense at GNJ Pawn Big.

Stop by our storefront at 557 East Palmdale Blvd. Palmdale, CA 93550 during business hours: Mon-Sat 10AM-5PM and feel free to call if you have any questions at (661) 224-1999.

GNJ Pawn Big—the best place to get money now, pay later, in Southern California!