Need extra cash fast? Get a personal loan backed by your truck in 3 easy steps
At Gems & Jewelry Inc. Pawn Big, we offer fair rates on Collateral loans backed by all kinds of trucks. The process is fast and easy, there’s no credit check or income requirement, and our professional staff will keep the entire matter confidential. Come visit us today to secure your truck Collateral loan with the following 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Appraise the Truck
Our loan specialists will carefully evaluate your truck to arrive at a fair and accurate valuation. This valuation will serve as the baseline for the amount of money you can expect to receive from your loan.
Step 2: Seal the Deal
If you agree with our valuation of your truck and you approve of the terms of the Collateral loan agreement, it’s time to seal the deal. We’ll take possession of your truck and place it in our secure and insured storage facility for safe keeping.
Step 3: Walk Away with Cash
After signing the loan agreement, you will immediately receive payment by cash or check. You will also be issued a ticket describing the truck, the loan amount, and the due date, which can be used to pay back the loan and recover your truck. The whole process typically takes as little as 30 minutes.