Buried in Student Loans? Let Gems & Jewelry Inc. Help

Buried in Student Loans? Let Gems & Jewelry Inc. HelpHave you been out of school for a few months and the student loan payments are starting to kick in? What a drag. It can be so hard to keep up with rent, cell phone payments, grocery bills, and so many more necessary expenses when you also have to pay a huge student loan payment each month.

Brainstorming Extra Ways to Make Some Dough

Do you have a mental list running of ways you can save a buck and make some extra cash? Have you put out babysitting and pet-sitting flyers? Have you signed up to sell makeup to your friends? Have you tried a mind-numbing data-entry job that only pays minimum wage? Then you are a fighter! This period of your life is so tough, but at least you’re developing an excellent work ethic and sense of responsibility for your own financial matters. But sometimes if can feel like you’re peddling super hard, but you’re still not making any progress. You’re always exhausted at the end of the day after working so hard, but it feels like it’s not even making any difference. Your loan balance goes down so slowly, it feels like you’ll never be done paying off your loans! Maybe in 20 or 30 years, you’ll finally be free…

But Wait! There is an Alternative

There is something else you can do that you probably haven’t thought of yet… come to Gems & Jewelry Inc.! You might be wondering, “um, why would I go there? I don’t have an airplane!” You don’t need a big, splashy item to be able to pawn—you can pawn your car, gold, luxury watch, or truck. So many people receive a car as a graduation gift from their parents—put it to use when you’re struggling financially. Your parents will applaud your financial independence and be thrilled when you pay off the pawn loan and get the car back. That’s the beautiful of Gems & Jewelry Inc.—you don’t have to completely get rid of your valuable items! Just pawn them to us and we’ll keep them in pristine condition in an extra-secure facility during the loan repayment period.

What’s the Catch?

There is no catch! There are no income requirements, no credit checks, and you can walk out of our store with thousands of dollars of cash in your hand the same day you come in. What are you waiting for? Come down to 557 East Palmdale Blvd., Palmdale, CA 93550, today, or give us a call with any questions at (661) 224-1999.