3 Reasons to Consider a Collateral Loan from GNJ Instead of a Bank Loan

Gems & Jewelry Inc. provides fast collateral loans with no income or credit questions asked

approvedIf you need cash in a hurry, but don’t want to sell any of your assets, a loan could provide the perfect solution. Unfortunately, bank loans come with lots of hassles and restrictions and may not be able to deliver the financial aid you need quickly enough. Fortunately,  Gems & Jewelry Inc. offers collateral loans that are superior to bank loans in three important ways.

No Credit Check

If you’ve recently been through a bankruptcy, a home foreclosure, an unforeseen medical expense, a personal business issue, or some other situation that has resulted in damage to your credit score, you may not be able to qualify for a bank loan. Having too many entities check your credit in too short of a time can actually lower your credit score even more, so if you’re not sure you’ll be able to pass a bank’s credit check, come to Gems & Jewelry Inc. instead. We don’t run credit checks, but instead award loans based on the value of whatever high-end items you bring in as collateral for the loan. We will give you a fair value for your items and help you set up a loan repayment plan you can manage.

No Delays

At Gems & Jewelry Inc., we process collateral loan applications extremely quickly. In most cases, you can walk away with cash or a check in as little as 30 minutes. Our speedy turnaround times are a marked contrast to the experience you would have at a bank. First you would have to wait for an appointment with the bank’s loan officer, then you would have to wait for them to complete the credit check and verify all of your personal information such as income and expenses, and then chances are it would take a few more days for them to reach a decision about extending the loan to you. At Gems & Jewelry Inc., we know you are busy so we don’t delay you one moment longer than necessary. We treat all of our clients with respect and courtesy, don’t ask questions about income, and keep all loan transactions private.

No Negative Credit Consequences in Case of Default

Whereas defaulting on a bank loan can result in a major blow to your credit score, plus the unwanted attentions of debt collectors should the bank decide to sell your account to a collection agency, defaulting on a collateral loan has no such consequences. If you are unable to continue your loan payments, all that happens is that Gems & Jewelry Inc. will own your collateral. We will sell the collateral in order to pay off your debt and that will be the end of it—you’ll never hear from us again and you won’t have to face the harassment and credit score problems that would have resulted from defaulting on a bank loan.